Loki's a Dad!

So Loki and his wife had their puppies! It was such an amazing experience delivering these sweet little things. Here are the pictures. 

Pregnant Kaiya

Ready to pop!

It's 6am ready for the puppies!

Loki is stressed and worried waiting for puppies.

Pup #1 It took forever for this little guy to come out. We thought it was taking a little long for the first pup to come out, so we had to assist. Come to find he is breach and he was very difficult to get out, we finally got him out and my husband had to give him CPR. I call him "chunk just because of the struggle and he's the largest of the bunch. 

Pup #2 this one came right out no issues and male. 

The first two cuddled up together. 

Pup #3 also breach and also male, first three male so far.

Pup #4 Finally a girl! She is of course the runt of the bunch, but super cute and healthy. 

All four pups together.

Sweet precious little paw.

***more pics to come***

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